There are many software which hides files inside the images or hides text inside a picture. Today, we are learning how to hide any file inside an image using cmd. This is a very amazing trick which you don't know about it. You can also do little bit of prank with your friends by using this amazing trick
To see How to Hide Text/Message in an Image by using Steganography go to this link.
In this blog post, we are creating an image file which looks like a standard image but in this image file, you will see hidden files inside it. If you extract that image, then you will get a hidden file. No one can guess that the file is inside an image, you can make fool to anybody.
To know how to hide file inside an image you need to follow some steps:
Step 1: To know clearly the steps, at first create a folder on the desktop named it "hidingfiles" and then put some files which you want to hide.
Step 2: In the next step put one image in that folder as I had done, name it as simple as that with no space because in cmd it will give you a syntax error.(In the image I typed "images" Remember that file must be in JPG format).
Step 3: Compress the file which you want to hide using WinRAR or ZIP. (In the image I want to hide a song, so I compress the songs using ZIP). Once you created an RAR file named the file as simple as that with no space because in cmd it will give you a syntax error.(In the image I typed "hidenfile").
Step 4: Open CMD and run as Administrator as you open the CMD hit enter and locate your folder like if your folder in D drive type d: and if your folder in E drive type e: and hit enter. Then locate the folder by using cd command like "cd folder name" (In this image my folder is in desktop, so I copy the path of that folder and paste it on the cmd).
If you save folder in another drive then check this Screenshots
Line 1: cd C:\Users\Vinay\Desktop\Hidingfiles
Line 2: copy /b images.jpg + images.jpg
press Enter.
Now your original file is copied into your images. Check the file size of your images to know it is copied or not. The image file will be bigger than the previous one. Now your file is hidden inside and image. You can now move the image to any location on your computer or your Pendrive.
To know how to Extract File from image follow some steps
Step 1: Right Click on an image, open with WinRAR Archiver or 7zFM.exe.
Step 2: Click on Extract and OK (Now your hidden file is extracted).
You can also hide the larger size of a file inside an image.
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