Microsoft new Operating System Windows 10 has a new Features like "Windows Hello", you can use your face as your login password. The Microsoft says that the new Windows 10 has strong security of login password that even your identical twin cannot login to your account and can't make fool to break the face recognition tool.
Windows Hello is more convenient than typing a password and it is more secure and providing a faster way to login the account, because the password is your face. Your identical twin also can't break the password and can't steal your information.
"Chris Griffith" the Austrian man wanted to know that the new Windows 10 features "Windows Hello" does work properly or not? So Chris conducted a test that where he brought six pairs of identical twins to put "Windows Hello" to test. To run this test Chris used a Lenovo ThinkPad notebook with webcam. One of the twins would register for the face recognition and set up the account and the other twins tried to trick Windows Hello. The same procedure was given to all pairs of twins. and all twins are failed to login the account, even if they tried to keep similar hairstyle and make-up and so on.
Microsoft also says that hacker's cannot steal a user's information and the heat-sensing IR camera doesn't allow anyone to access account. The Face Recognition tools involves a RealSense Camera made by intel. In this camera there are 3 features a regular lens, infra-red lens and a 3-D lens it uses heat detection, depth detection and photographic to detect who is at your PC display. The IR camera is very sensible and reliable even when the users apply cosmetics.
Here is the demo of "Windows Hello" who Recognize face
If you have any problem or any query to know how Windows Hello work please comment it below or contact us on Contact us Page.